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Myths and Facts about ADHD

Many people don't understand the nature of mental health disorders. If you suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, you've probably heard it all. Dealing with a disorder like this is enough without having to listen to all the untruths said about it.

At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry, our skilled team can help you through understanding the ins and outs of this disorder. Our doctors provide you with all the facts, and offer treatment options to help you keep your life on track.

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a disorder that affects your functioning on a day-to-day basis. It's marked by trouble with holding attention or being very hyperactive. Both of these interfere with daily living activities. 

You might associate ADHD with children; however, adults can also suffer from this disorder. If you have ADHD as a child, chances are it will carry over into adulthood. There is no cure. Treatment is focused on getting your symptoms under control, so you can live a productive life.

ADHD can manifest itself in many ways, and each person with the disorder may have different symptoms. Some of the signs you can be on the lookout for include:

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about people with ADHD. The truth is, it's a real disorder that can affect you and your family a great deal. Understanding the facts is the key to successful treatment and the best possible outcome.

The myths and facts of ADHD

ADHD is one of those disorders that many people don't completely understand. This usually leads to misconceptions about the condition and the people who have it. However, to fully understand the struggle that you may go through with ADHD, you have to know what the misconceptions are and why they just aren’t true. Here are some of the myths surrounding this disorder:

Myth #1: ADHD isn't a real disorder

This is simply not true. Researchers believe that genetics plays a large role in this condition. Other factors that influence whether or not you'll end up with ADHD include brain injury, diet, and your environment. If you’re dealing with this condition, you know for a fact that it’s a very real issue.

Myth #2: Poor parenting is a main cause of ADHD

The large genetic input and the fact that otherwise well-adjusted adults can get the disorder proves this wrong. So what can you, as a parent, do? Although some kind of structure is important for children with this condition, punishing behaviors associated with ADHD can actually do more harm than good. As a parent, the best thing you can do is be there for your child and get them the specific treatment that they need to help control their symptoms.

Myth #3: People with the disorder are lazy

Sometimes people assume that just because you have this disorder, you’re lazy. This is probably because some of the symptoms you may exhibit include a disinterest in activities, lack of motivation, and problems with organization. Most people who have ADHD really want to be successful, but they struggle to complete even the simplest of tasks.

Myth #4: Everyone with this disorder has hyperactivity 

Not everyone with ADHD has symptoms of hyperactivity. Since it affects everyone differently, you may never experience this symptom at all. Your form of the disorder may only affect your attention. If your child is hyperactive, chances are it may lessen or disappear with age.

Myth #5: Medications are the only treatment

Although medications such as stimulants have proven helpful for people with ADHD, there’s definitely something to say about other treatments too. Combining medication therapy with behavioral therapy has been proven to give better results than if you just take medication alone. Other things you can do to improve your symptoms include eating a healthy diet, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep.

If you or your child are dealing with ADHD and are looking for information and treatment options, call our office today at 919-446-3232, or request an appointment using our online booking tool.

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