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What Conditions Respond Well to Psychotherapy?

What Conditions Respond Well to Psychotherapy?

Mental health issues are rising worldwide, but not everyone knows how accessible treatment can be.

Whether you're living with depression, PTSD, or anxiety, there's a treatment out there that has the potential to help. Psychotherapy is one of the leading therapies for various forms of mental health disorders that cut down on medication use.

The team at Carolina Wellness Psychiatry specializes in treating a wide range of mental health problems through medications and psychotherapy.

Our team consists of three experienced doctors — Elizabeth Bullard, MD; Allison Foroobar, MD; and Sarah Gilbert, PhD.

Psychotherapy is one of the most versatile treatment options we offer, providing the community of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, an accessible option for mental health care.

Understanding psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a type of treatment psychologists and psychiatrists use to help people dealing with emotional stress or mental health disorders.

Also known as talk therapy, psychotherapy is a successful treatment that allows patients to talk about their feelings, discover negative thought patterns, and make permanent changes to improve their quality of life.

There are various forms of psychotherapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Each type of therapy focuses on different aspects of thoughts and feelings to change negative processes.

Many people consider psychotherapy an option for mental health disorders, which is very accurate. However, it's also a successful treatment for marriage problems, grief or the loss of a loved one, and significant life changes.

Conditions psychotherapy treats

Psychotherapy is a successful treatment for various mental health problems. We use it to help patients with a variety of challenging conditions, some of which include the following:

Depression and anxiety are two conditions that respond extremely well to psychotherapy. However, people experiencing more complex mental health problems also find relief by combining psychotherapy with other tools to help manage thoughts and emotions.

Psychotherapy gives you options for dealing with negative emotions and feelings when they recur in the future, along with safe and effective coping mechanisms.

If you’re struggling with troublesome thought patterns or feel like you can’t get out of your head, psychotherapy may be just what you need for long-term reprieve.

Who can benefit from psychotherapy?

Many people can benefit from psychotherapy, even those without mental health disorders. Life has a way of throwing curveballs at everyone occasionally, which can be hard to deal with.

Anyone struggling with negative emotions, spiraling thought patterns, or life's many difficulties can positively benefit from psychotherapy. Others that psychotherapy helps include people:

Psychotherapy is a priceless tool that's helped millions of people overcome hardships and mental health disorders. Our team carefully evaluates your needs to determine which type of therapy will best benefit your needs.

To find out if psychotherapy is a good option for your needs, call the Carolina Wellness Psychiatry team today at 919-446-3232 to schedule a consultation. You may also send the team a message on the website.


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